Monday, September 28, 2009

Been a while...

It has been a while since I have written anything and my blog page is still unedited and lame. BUT i have a few minutes before class so I thought I would throw some writings your way!

On to my favorite topic: Annoying People
First on my list is hardcore advocates of ANYTHING! Get out of my grill! I said I am not interested the first time and I don't care how Burger King kills their chicken I will always eat meat. I don't care how bad it's getting in Africa because we send millions of dollars there every year and to be honest, where has that got us thus far? Where is this billions of dollars donated to AIDS research going each year? Have we made progress? I'm sure if a cure was discovered I would know about it by now. I recently read an article that stated that $3040 is used in AIDS research for every death caused by the disease!!! Strikingly large compared to the minuscule $37 dollars that is used for cardiovascular disease study. I am fine if you want to promote your cause and try and help people with AIDS, but can you bug me less about it? If it is something important like The Civil Rights movement, you can be loud, but come on, chicken treatment? Leave me alone.

Second, sports! UTES WON! 'nuff said! Also, did you all see Brett Favre leading comebacks like John Elway (or himself 10 years ago)? Awesome! As a long time Vikings fan i was quite happy with the result, and I am also ashamed because I was really mad to see that the Viks signed Favre, but the season is still young, and it was just the 49ers, so let's not jump to any conclusions here.

Anyway that is all the time I have for now, I've got to get to institute! yay!!!


1 comment:

  1. Dude! Way to update! And to top it! So proud.
